Review: How good was Avengers: Endgame? (no spoilers)

How good was Avengers: Endgame?

I have never seen an audience cheer a movie this much -- not even for The Phantom Menace.

Until tonight I have cried twice at the movies, and one of those was Bambi so doesn't count.

Most of the final hour of the film is undiluted fanservice. I don't care.

The film flagrantly breaks its own rules to deliver the endings it wants. I don't care.

The film's character motivations are mawkish and unimaginative (I care a little about that)

But the direction fits together styles from the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe. The script brings appropriate levels of emotional weight to the film's stakes and a strong sense of finality to its resolution. The orchestral score earns its triumph.

There is a monumental credits sequence treating this entire 13-year project as the intricately-connected shared universe it is. There is no post credits sequence. Instead the slate is left clean for whatever comes next.


Edmund Schluessel

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